Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Nas palavras de John Lennon ** In John Lennon's words
Love is real, real is love,
Love is feeling, feeling love,
Love is wanting to be loved.
Love is touch, touch is love,
Love is reaching, reaching love,
Love is asking to be loved.
Love is you,
You and me,
Love is knowing,
We can be.
Love is free, free is love,
Love is living, living love,
Love is needing to be loved.
John Lennon
Posted by M.P. at 8:25 pm 0 comments
Monday, January 29, 2007
Hoje bateu à porta
Really true!
I noticed
I found myself longing
for things
aren't new!
Posted by M.P. at 8:12 pm 0 comments
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Today I looked for words
Posted by M.P. at 4:50 pm 0 comments
Monday, January 22, 2007
Misantropicamente ...
Deito a perder
Há razões que são razão
Escrevo em Epopeia
Serei eu mesma
I came to a poetic post today which is difficult to translate into English. It's late and I don't feel like doing it really.
It's got a deceived tone and it speaks of being deceived with the surrounding world as much as it leads to feeling like getting away from this maddening crowd that makes me feel revolted due to lying and pretending.
There's the positive side too, of being willing to fight all this said to have been created by my sick mind, fact that makes me retreat into the highest tower of my medieval castle where I make up defence plans to fight back those I take as my enemies.
I won't ever stop being myself though and wish for Historical recognition of my deeds.
Posted by M.P. at 11:03 pm 0 comments
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
Time has allowed many get-togethers and even if we are far away , there's always something to allow a meeting. Even the blogging world contributed to that in the most surprising way.
There's a good Friendship between the two parts and I'm really proud to have her as a Friend!
Posted by M.P. at 7:46 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Treino de ... cordas vocais... em tom jocosamente irónico
Não sei porque grito...
Mas não é um grito aflito.
É apenas porque necessito
de gritar um grito
que seja grito.
E talvez a este grito
que eu deixo aqui escrito
se juntem alguns mais
Grito de que eu necessito
para olear a minhas cordas vocais! É para isso esse grito.
Não é para nada mais! ~~~~~~~~ I don't know why I'm screaming ... It's not of affliction.
It's just that I feel
like uttering a scream that sounds realMaybe there are other screams
to follow this written screamWhich is for my vocal cords
a very good creamIt's that the reason for this scream
Hope you understand what I mean
Posted by M.P. at 8:53 pm 0 comments
Monday, January 15, 2007
O meu palavrejar tem hoje Palavras de verdadeiro Poeta
aprende a falar – diz
a rosa: escreve de noite
e que o meu múltiplo sol
te guie inúmeros
os caminhos. põe-te numa sala
com a luz apagada
onde chegue acesa
a de uma outra, e
ao papel que para ela
voltas. Então falas
das paixões, da pétala
que cai no interior
do coração
e navega na sombra do
sangue, de assombro em
© 1990, Manuel Gusmão
From: Dois sóis, A Rosa / a arquitectura do mundo
Publisher: Caminho, Lisbon
learn to speak (says
the rose): write at night,
with my multiple sun
guiding you down countless
paths. sit in a room
with the light out
and wait for another
light from another room
to arrive, tenuous,
at the paper you turn
its way. then you will speak
of passions, of the petal
that falls
into the heart
and sails
in the blood’s shadow
past one and another
© Translation: Richard Zenith
Posted by M.P. at 8:05 pm 0 comments
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Posted by M.P. at 9:46 pm 0 comments
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Não é de tristeza
Nem de Alegria
Esta Lágrima é apenas ...
de Melancolia. ~~~~~~~~
It's not Sadness
It's not Joy either
This is insteada Melancholy Tear
Posted by M.P. at 10:56 pm 0 comments
Friday, January 12, 2007
É poderosa esta composição musical!
Fez-me bem ver este video-clip!
Levou-me a pensar em barreiras que podem serm ultrapapssadas, em objectivos que podem ser alcançados se para isso houver força para lutar.
This musical composition is powerful!
I felt better after seeing this video-clip!
It led me to think about barriers that can be overcome, about aims tha can be reached if we are willing to fight for them.
Posted by M.P. at 8:36 pm 0 comments
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Não me importo que achem "kitsch"! ** I don't mind if you find it "kitsch"!
Posted by M.P. at 9:51 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Hoje vi o mundo assim ...
de actuar neste palco de actores mil
de aplauso em silêncio
de conteúdos sem conteúdo
de risos que são esgares
de lágrimas de crocodilo
de isto que não é aquilo
define o mundo em que vivemos
Posted by M.P. at 5:03 pm 0 comments
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Longe no tempo
Em passados longínquos
de afectos
de trajectos
de risos cristalinos
de infâncias felizes
resumia-se o presente
a tempo inocente
de brincadeiras
de tropelias
de mundos de fantasias.
O presente de agora
Corre pela vida fora
para futuro incerto
em inconstante querer
em inconsciente desejo
de rapidamente fugir
de ir
em busca do calor
de um Abraço
da emoção de um beijo. ~~~~~~~~~~ In far away pasts
The Present of today
Posted by M.P. at 5:07 pm 0 comments
Monday, January 08, 2007
Já há algum tempo...
Não sou crítica literária.
Quero só destacar o seu autor que apenas conheço da TV e de entrevistas que tem dado nos Media.
~~~~~~~~~~~~It's been a long time now since I last got busy with a book and used to let myself go through words and lines in search of its route.
It was curiosity what made me start reading A Formula de Deus ( God's Formula) by José Rodrigues dos Santos.
The book theme wasn't the only factor to make me feel curious, its author was also something that lead me to it once I know him as a very good and experienced journalist.
I read about 200 pages in a breadth. Didn't go any further until after Christmas and am now about to finish it.
I'm not a literary critic. I either like what I read or I just give up reading anything if I don't find any interesy in it. This book is for a calm reading and makes us think.
There's something I want to stress about its author though. I know him only from TV and through his interviews in the Media. He's got a very good general culture which he lets his readers be well aware of by what he skilfully and acurately narrates. As a person he is straight forward and simple and he shows that in the way he writes.
Being an Artist is being exactly like that in my opinion.
Posted by M.P. at 8:29 pm 0 comments
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Hoje em tom estupidamente "meloso"
Your kisses, my Love,
Posted by M.P. at 2:57 pm 0 comments
Friday, January 05, 2007
Em jeito de "trava-língua" e de "mente travada" ** Tongue twisting and showing some twisted mind
Posted by M.P. at 10:20 pm 0 comments
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Posted by M.P. at 7:19 pm 0 comments