Sunday, April 29, 2007

Um Domingo com palavras

Em cada palavra que registo,
A volúpia de me Sentir.
Em cada palavra que formulo
Rodopia Emoção em constante fluir.

Em cada palavra que calo
Aprisiono o que não sinto
Prendo em absinto
o que não digo
o que não minto.
E mato-me devagarinho
se escondo aquele Carinho
na palavra que não digo.

Uso as palavras assim.
Agarro-as, transformo-as
em pedacinhos de mim .
In each word I register
the voluptuousness of my Feeling.
In each word I utter
There's a swirl of Emotion flowing.

In each word I silence
I imprison day by day
what I can't deny
what I don't say.

And I kill myself softly
if I hide that caress
in the words I repress.

I use words this way.
I grab them,
give them a sense,
showing my real self
in every single sentence.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

25 de Abril

33º aniversário


33th anniversary

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Algum dia ** Some day ...

I used to believe
In the days I was naive
That I'd live to see
A day of justice dawn
And though I will die
Long before that morning comes
I'll die while believing still
It will come when I am gone

When we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray
Someday we may yet live
To live and let live

Life will be fairer
Need will be rarer
Greed will not pay
God speed
This bright millennium
On its way
Let it come someday

When we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray
Someday we may yet live
To live and let live

There are some days
Black and bitter
It seems we haven't got a prayer

But a prayer for something better

Is the one thing we all share

We all share
We all share
We all share...

Our fight will be one then
We'll stand in the sun then
That bright afternoon
Till then
On days when the sun is gone
Hope lives on
Wish upon the moon
Change will come

One day...



**Celtic Woman**

Monday, April 23, 2007


No Livro da Vida
os dias passam-se sem conta
e em conta dos dias que passam
nunca há conta que conte
os dias que da Vida já foram
já contados.
In the Book of Life
days go by being uncounted
and when it comes to count them
there's no counting
that can count
the days from Life
which have already been counted.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hoje amanheci assim

O dia chegou
em ondas lentas de lassidez dengosa
de preguiças procuradas
mas há longo tempo fenecidas.
Pela janela uma brisa fresca
na confusão de pensamentos
que se repelem,
Há silencio silenciado por ruídos em fuga lesta.
Procuram-se instantes sem estertores alucinantes.
Só instantes.
De brisa fresca.
Em onda lenta de lassidez dengosa de preguiça gostosa.
Nada mais.
Sem recompensas.
Apenas com reconhecimento de que se pode Viver assim por um momento.
Daylight came
in slow waves of a sweet laziness
so much longed for
but long gone.

Through the window a fresh breeze
into a confusion of thoughts
which repel themselves,

There’s silence silenced by noises in fast escape.
Wanted are instants with no shrill sounds.
Only instants.
With a fresh breeze.
In slow waves of sweet laziness.
Nothing else.
With no reward.

Only with the awareness one such Life moment exists

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


A sofisticação de atitudes não é a verdade do Sentir!


Attitude sophistication is not the Feeling truth!

Saturday, April 07, 2007





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