Sunday, September 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Um Poema de Outono
Uma a uma
murchas e secas
com lágrimas
ao som de violinos
que tocam Vivaldi
a voz
que lhes lê
o Poema triste.
One after another
dying out and dry
tuned with the sound of violins
which play Vivaldi
to the voice
reading out to them
the sad Poem.
Posted by M.P. at 10:35 pm 2 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
... melancolias de Outono
a chegar
ao som de Vivaldi ...
Autumn blues
as background tune
Posted by M.P. at 9:14 pm 2 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Mais um ano passado...
O que se faz "em nome de Deus"!...
Today's date is of sad memories!
What can be done "in God's name"!...
Posted by M.P. at 10:30 pm 0 comments
Sunday, September 09, 2007
De papel em papel, cheguei a um livrinho que me deram pelo meu aniversário este ano.
Fala de Amizade em perspectivas diversas.
Delas retirei o seguinte vindo de Emmanuel Kant
"A Amizade é como um bom café; uma vez frio, não se aquece sem perder bastante do sabor primitivo."
com o que concordo em absoluto.
Going through papers I came across with little book I was offered as birthday present this year.
Its content is on the different nuances of Friendship.
That's where I took the follwoing by Emmanuel Kant:
"Friendship is like a good coffee; once it gets cold, you won't have it tasting so well as before".
I absolutely agree with it.
Posted by M.P. at 10:26 pm 0 comments
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Posted by M.P. at 11:02 am 0 comments