Monday, December 05, 2005

Dia repleto de não sei o quê.

Comecei o dia com arco-íris.
Bem cedinho ele lá estava, mesmo a sério, a convidar a ir até ao outro lado.
Depois a manhã passou-se sem precalços.
A não ser o ter tido tempo para meter o nariz onde não devia. O que foi menos razoável.
A tarde trouxe-me a conversas que não queria ter tido e que levarão a comportamentos sociais vazios de afectos.
Por fim deparei-me com atitudes menos próprias de jovens adolescentes que se deixam levar por vandalismos de outros lados e também os querem experimentar aqui : alguém aguandando em grupo o meio de transporte para regressar a Penates tentou introduzir num autocarro (onde me encontrava) um pedaço de papel a arder que poderia ter sido fatal.
Com isto me despeço por hoje deste dia repleto de não sei o quê.
I started the day with a rainbow.
Early in the morning there it was, very real, inviting anyone to go and look for its end.
Afterwards the morning went by smoothly.
But... it still gave me time to poke my nose into subjects I shouldn't have poked my nose into and what was less reasonable.
The afternoon took me to chats I shouldn't ever have had and which will lead to social behaviours void of affection.
And to end it all up I was confronted with improper attitudes coming from some youngsters which get misled by vandalism in other places and are willing to experiment them here: somebody of a group of adolescent students waiting for the bus to get back home tried to introduce a piece of burning paper into a bus (exactly the bus where I was!) and could have been disatrous.
And it's with this account I say good bye to this day so much filled up with I don't know what.


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