Friday, August 11, 2006

Não sei como cheguei até aqui hoje!

Simon & Garfunkel deram o tom para hoje!
Lembrei-me desta música e deixo em "bold font" o meu desejo de uma sublimação (quase) impossível.

Simon & Garfunkel allowed the tune!

I came to this song and I leave here stressed in bold font my wish of an (almost) impssible sublimation:

"I'd rather be a sparrow than a snail"
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.
I'd rather be a hammer than a nail.
Yes I would.
If I only could,
I surely would.

Away, I'd rather sail away
Like a swan that's here and gone
A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world
Its saddest sound,
Its saddest sound.

I'd rather be a forest than a street.
Yes I would.
If I could,
I surely would.

I'd rather feel the earth beneath my feet,
Yes I would.
If I only could,
I surely would.


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