Sunday, April 16, 2006

Mudando hábitos ...

Estes dois devem estar cansados de olhar um para o outro lá para os lados da Rua de St. Catarina.
Então resolvi pô-los de costas para ver o que aontecia na foto.
E vejam só ao que a figura feminina chegou!!
Não é que parece que ela está sempre a pensar nele e que o tenta eté descortinar no horizonte longínquo ??


These two must be tired of looking at each other somewhere in Rua de Santa Catarina nearabouts.
That explains why I decided to have them with their backs turned to each other to see what would happen on the pic....
And just look at the lady!!!
Doesn't it seem she is always thinking about him and that she even tries to spot him in the far skyline ??


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